ADRA strongly believes that we cannot fulfil our ‘purpose’ without capable leadership at all levels of our organization. This leadership is ‘connected’ to the mission and vision of ADRA and values clear expectations of all employees as well as transparency through open communication. ADRA leadership is ‘courageous’ in how they lead through innovation and agility in a disruptive world, as it protects and advocates for the rights of our beneficiaries, partners and employees. Finally, ADRA leadership is ‘compassionate’ in all that they do by being ‘alongside’ our employees – understanding where they are at and what motivates them. This is compassion is exhibited through genuine care for each other in building each other up and not tearing then down with gossip and destructive criticism.
ADRA is committed to providing a multi-faceted approach to delivering leadership development across the network. This approach will be underpinned by the following principles:
- Senior leaders participate in leadership development and role model the desired culture and behaviors, providing a consistent message and demonstrating the importance of ongoing development.
- Leaders develop leaders.
- A range of learning approaches are used including experiential and reflective approaches.
- Delivered over a period of time with multiple interventions aligned with development needs.
- Driven by a well-defined leadership model – knowing, doing, being; where the knowledge is delivered and learnt (knowing) to support the application of that knowledge in the role (doing) which leads to growth in the individual as a leader (being).
- Multiple delivery methods to include:
- Face-to-face
- E-learning
- Self-paced
- Audio visual
- Managers are key to influencing the extent to which their teams engage in ongoing development, proactive reflection, engage in continuous learning and strive for continuous improvement.