WELCOME to the Emergency Management elearning site.
Assessment Preparation: This site will allow you to take a four-step training course in conducting humanitarian needs assessments. This course has been prepared by KoBoToolbox at the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative in collaboration with UNOCHA. The Humanitarian Needs Assessment E-learning program is designed to provide an overview of the Humanitarian Needs Assessment process. The process can look very different depending on the scale of the disaster, the role of humanitarian organizations involved and the resources available to any particular organization or to organizations collectively at the country level. We’ll look at assessment from various angles-from the field level to the capitol level-and we’ll see the process through the eyes of an assessment coordinator as well as enumerators on the ground.
Sector: Assessments
Required for ERT: No
Link to Training: http://training.kobotoolbox.org/
The Cash Learning Partnership: In an emergency, cash transfers and vouchers can be appropriate and effective tools to support populations affected by disasters in a way that maintains dignity and choice for beneficiaries while stimulating local economies and markets. The Cash Learning Partnership aims to improve the quality of emergency cash transfer and voucher programming across the humanitarian sector. Learn the advantages of implementing a cash-transfer project and how to manage it.
Sector: Assessments
Time Required: 3 hours
Required for ERT: Yes
Link to Training: http://www.cashlearning.org/
Building a Better Response: Build the knowledge of NGO workers and other humanitarian actors in two areas: the international coordination system that can be put into place to respond to large-scale emergencies, and the other elements of humanitarian work that forms the foundation of humanitarian response.
Sector: Coordination
Time Required: 6 hours
Required for ERT: Yes
Link to Training: http://www.buildingabetterresponse.org/
Toward Resilience: The Toward Resilience Guide has emerged as the recognized “go to” resource on incorporating disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation principles into relief and development programming. Based on 10 principles that support integrated programming, this 75 minute eLearning course helps practitioners better understand how these principles can be put into practice in areas where communities are threatened by disasters and the effects of climate change. Based on real world case studies, the companion course illustrates the benefits and key elements of an integrated approach to building resilience to disaster and climate change risk.
Sector:DRR / CCA
Time Required: 75 minutes
Required for ERT: No
Link to Training: https://disasterready.csod.com/client/disasterready/default3.aspx?lang=en-US
Different Needs – Equal Opportunities: Increasing Effectiveness of Humanitarian Action for Women, Girls, Boys and Men: This self-directed ecourse provides the basic steps a humanitarian worker must take to ensure gender equality in programming. The course includes information on the core issues of gender and how it relates to other aspects of humanitarian response, including camp management and coordination, education, food issues, gender-based violence, health, livelihoods, non-food items, protection, shelter, water, sanitation, and hygiene.
Sector:Gender and Humanitarian Action
Required for ERT: No
Link to Training: http://www.iasc-elearning.org/
Kaya Connect: Many humanitarian courses run by the Humanitarian Leadership Academy. We particularly recommend: “Introduction to the Core Humanitarian Standard” (Required for ERT Training)
Required for ERT: No
Link to Training:https://kayaconnect.org/
Link to Introduction to the Core Humanitarian Standard: https://kayaconnect.org/course/info.php?id=260
IFRC’s Project Program Planning Course: Offers a short but thorough introduction to key skills and methods for project management, focused on results-based project planning. It is spread over two modules, with the first module focusing on the “analysis stage” of planning – using different tools to analyse the situation prior to the design of a project. The second module focuses using the results of this analysis in the “design stage”, where participants will learn how to use the logical framework as a tool to structure and summaries the key aspects of a project that are necessary for it to be well managed. Successful completion of a final test at the end of the course leads to a certificate for the user.
Sector: Program Planning
Required for ERT: No
Link to course: https://ifrc.csod.com/client/ifrc/default.aspx
E-Learning Course for Child Protection in Emergencies from PLAN: The course. which takes approximately 14 hours to complete, is designed for managers and front line staff who are working on or interested in child protection in emergency settings – both for preparedness and response. It is structured into 8 modules, including “Psycho-social support in emergencies” and “Separated and unaccompanied children.”
Sector: Protection
Time Required: 14 hours
Required for ERT: No
Link to Training:http://www.plan-academy.org/login/index.php
Stay Safe – Personal Security: The course interactively goes through the basics of personal safety, especially in the field. It includes information on how to stay safe both in secure and less secure environments. You will need to create an account, enter the site and then go to “The Essentials” (in the middle of the page). Click on “Staty Safe.” In the search grey box, select your language.
Sector: Security
Time Required: 5 – 6 hours
Required for ERT: Yes
Link to Training: https://ifrc.csod.com/client/ifrc/default.aspx?ReturnUrl=https%3a%2f%2fifrc.csod.com%2fLMS%2fcatalog%2fWelcome.aspx%3ftab_page_id%3d-67
The Sphere Project: Strengthens use of Sphere Handbook and familiarizes user with the principles of the Sphere Standards. Also aids in program development and implementation.
Sector: Standards
Time Required: 8 – 12 hours
Required for ERT: Yes
Link to Training: http://www.sphereproject.org/sphere/en/learning/e-learning-course/
OpenLearnWorks: The five OpenWASH modules focus on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in urban areas. They are designed primarily for students who are training to work in the sector but can also be used for in-service training of new employees and by more experienced practitioners seeking to improve their knowledge and skills on specific topics. The modules can be used separately or in combination. They can be studied by any individual on their own but are also accompanied by a Trainers’ Handbook that provides guidance on how the modules can be used in a variety of teaching contexts. The OpenWAS modules have been created as Open Educational Resources (OER) published under a Creative Commons licence. This means they are free to download, adapt and use. Although developed specifically for Ethiopia, the resources can also be adapted for the WASH sector in other countries in support of the United Nations’ Global Goals (also known as the Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs).
Sector: WASH
Required for ERT: No
Link to Training: http://www.open.edu/openlearnworks/course/view.php?id=2244
Link to Global Goals: http://www.globalgoals.org/
Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS): The Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability (the CHS) explains how organisations and individuals ensure they deliver quality, effective and accountable humanitarian responses. The CHS contains Nine Commitments, which are explained in this e-learning course. Each commitment includes key actions and organisational responsibilities (“what you should be doing”) and indicators (“are you doing it right?”). This elearning module introduces the CHS.
Sector: Standards
Time Required: 2 hours
Required for ERT: Yes
Link to Training: https://kayaconnect.org/course/info.php?id=260ip Academy.
You must register first with Kaya Humanitarian Leadership